Enter one or more terms to query the book.

There is a Search this book box located under the book’s title and details. Simply click on the book’s cover image or hyperlink to view the Table of Contents page.

You may search one book at a time by selecting a book from the list of titles on the Browse Titles page. See the Facets and Advanced Search sections for creating other specialized searches. Previous versions or editions of content in Bookshelf, and content that is no longer considered current by its authors/publisher, are only included in the search results when selected using the Facets function. The content of the Books database is searched, and a results page will be displayed according to the number of items found. To search across the Bookshelf, type a word or phrase into the Search box at the top of the Bookshelf homepage and click Search (see Search Tutorial video). The 7- or 30-day access begins when the redeem code is used.You may search across all content, or one book at a time in Bookshelf.Use your redeem code within the platform to obtain the IATA title.Create an account in the eReader platform.Receive a redeem code for 7- or 30-day access to an IATA 'Mobile' format title.
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It can be used in a browser or in an app ('VitalSource Bookshelf’) on Windows and Mac computers, and on iOS and Android tablets. Note: The 'Mobile' format is not only for mobile devices. Other training organizations are welcome to inquire about the availability of the short term versions by contacting the IATA Sales team. IATA Accredited Training Schools can acquire the short term duration publications via the IATA online store.
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This allows schools to provide students with access to the IATA title without having to purchase a full digital license for each student. 7-day and 30-day duration versions of some 'Mobile' titles are available at reduced prices. IATA offers short term access versions of select publications to training organizations.
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